Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 33 - A surrendered day that proves letting go is amazing

Eckhart Tolle says that now, this very moment, is the only moment that has ever existed. Everything that has ever happened in my life has had only 2 constants - me and the present moment. Everything else - past, future, fear, expectation, etc - are all just mental burdens humans make up through their ego. No other animal does this except us. In AA one of the key principles of the 12 Step program is to let go of our propensity to want to manage life. It suggests we just let go and let our Higher Power manage life (past, future, fear, expectation, etc) and to just concentrate on living a good day just for today. I love both of these concepts and today was proof positive of their power. I woke up in the 1890's whore house and went outside while it was still dark. I took the 4th picture below (which I think is my favorite picture so far - look at it in a dark place to see the nuances). Then the 3rd picture below was my shower - a hose, some flip flops, some #%@ cold(!) water and no one to see me except for the 14 cows. What a way to start the day!! Surrendered gift moment #1: After I got dressed I went back outside and watched the night become the day - the lovely moon give way to a warm sun - and it was absolutely gorgeous. I think I could be country boy. I then got to spend another half a day with Dave (I love that man!) talking and seeing Montana through his eyes as a local. Surrendered gift moment number #2: As I was heading out from his ranch I had to make an abrupt stop on a curved, gravel, uphill road and I ended up laying my bike down again. This time I did not freak out and pop a tendon or run around hyper-ventilating and need an angel to calm me down. Instead I just stepped away from the bike, took a picture of it for posterity and then asked Dave to help me lift her back up which we did without a problem. Quite a difference from the first 2 times!! Later, when I got to Bozeman, I saw a Harley Davidson dealership so I stopped by to get a cover for my bike (I am flying to Chicago for 2 days and needed the cover to leave the bike at the airport tomorrow). While there I had the service guy take my bike for a test drive as Sally has been through hell these last few weeks and I thought her rear end felt a bit funny (hey - no jokes please!!). Surrendered gift moment #3: When he came back he said I was lucky - it was a good thing I came in because the rear axle has a bearing that's going out and he needs to repair it immediately. He will have her fixed by the time I get back from Chicago - perfect timing! Finally, if you go back to Day 3 you will see I met Sam and Kristie from Sturgis South Dakota where the big motorcycle rally is next week. Surrendered gift moment #4: Out of the blue they called me today and invited me to hang out with them at the rally. How cool is that!! I didn't know a soul there, there are going to be over 500,000 people there, and now I get invited to hang out with some locals and experience this amazing rally from an insiders perspective? Are you kidding me??? It is unbelievable!! I am so excited!! Wow! I am so glad that Sally is getting her bearings corrected - I cannot wait until she is back with me and we can get on with our new experiences together. Have I told you how much I am enjoying this trip? What a blessing.

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