Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mr Marriott is coming to Chicago

So the Marriott Downtown Chicago ballroom project is getting some positive attention so Mr Marriott would like to take a look for himself. Right now he is planning to come on July 17th, smack dab in the middle of my trip. Thus, I am probably going to push the trip back 3 weeks. While I know I will in all likelihood have to take a trip in the middle of my trip, I don't want to go into it KNOWING I will have to. Sooo... July 18th - August 31st is probably the new schedule.  Still good as it is still summer and still no major schedule conflicts. I still want to think about it a bit but those are the likely dates.
My bike is almost ready so I have to schedule a trip to Denver to ride it 1,000 miles for the break-in and follow-up service then I am ready to go! Excited!

Monday, May 14, 2012

T-minus 6 weeks

After culling through lots of suggestions, internet lists and my own withlist, the packing list is complete (Thank you, Emily!). Now, all I need is a small trailer or maybe a side car to haul it all! Is 9 t-shirts really that excessive for a 6 week trip? And is that 12v mini-air compressor "vital"? I am NOT letting go of my Thermarest sleeping bag pad. T-minus 6 weeks: Rocky Mountain Harley Davidson (RMHD) called and my bike is disassembled and most of the new parts are in. It looks like my bike will be ready by the end of this month so I need to plan a trip to Denver in early June to break it in with a 1,000 mile run. After that the bike gets serviced and I am ready to go! Also, I have had a lot of friends give me suggestions, recommendations, ideas and advice on places to see, stay, eat, hike, etc when they see my route. I would welcome ANY AND ALL SUGGESTIONS you may have! Some of them have been amazing ("Go to Arches National Park and take the first guided hike on the Devil's Kitchen trail") and I am very grateful for all of them! Take a look at my route and if you know of something cool nearby, please let me know! I am only doing this trip once so I really do not want to miss the chance to see the Worlds Largest Frying Pan if I can help it! Email your suggestions to me at or post a comment here and don't be shy!

Friday, May 11, 2012

So as of today I have a) ordered my bike, b) paid the deposit, c) sought and received approval (with conditions) of my trip from PDSI's management team (our DMC), d) began informing my Clients of my trip, and  e) mapped out a preliminary route (see below). I was also told of a GPS tracking device that can track my location and post that on my map so you might be able to see where I am as I travel along.
Presently I am working on my packing list, seeking advise from more season travelers on places to see and places to stay and taking safety training classes for long haul motorcycle trips (see This is the trip of a life time and I hope to reduce the risks as much as I can!
More to come! About 6 weeks to launch!
My trip as is stands today